This week’s auctions are all about eBay Live exclusive items! Pins, coins, stamps, bags and other items that you could only get at the 2007 convention, eBay Live! in Boston, MA. These listings all end on Sunday night so you’ll need to act quick to get the deal that you want.

In other Priced Nostalgia news, The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory has received its first review on Amazon and it is glowingly positive. Amazon is still offering this book for its amazing discount with free shipping on orders over $25 and, frankly, we’d like to know how they are doing it!

But while we scratch our heads over their wild value, buyers shouldn’t take the time to worry about the how and focus on the now, making sure they get their order in before this discount goes away.

Both Priced Nostalgia and Summer Hayes (author of The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory) appreciate your taking the time to write reviews on Amazon, eBay or whatever site you choose. If you post your review on your website or blog, please send us a link so we get a chance to read it!