Everyone is looking for some deals this holiday season and we have one for you early birds. For a limited time only, we have records and CDs available in our store each for the low, low price of $4.99 each. Yup, that’s it! Vintage records and chart topping musical acts all for one low price.
But wait! There’s more! (Hee hee, we’ve always wanted to say that!) Order any $4.99 buy it now music product from our store and any additional $4.99 music items you purchase, no matter how many more you buy, all will ship for free. You only pay shipping on the first item and then not for any item after that! Please note: This offer only applies for purchases paid for in the same payment.
(If the eBay checkout system does not reflect this discount, please email us before paying so that we can send you a custom invoice.)
What’s the catch? Well, they are all Buy It Now items so its first come, first serve. If you wait, someone else will grab these items out from under you and you will be missing out on these great deals. So if you see a record or CD that you want, make sure to grab it now before someone else does!
For a sample of some of the items that are eligible for this special offer, take a peek below.