You’ve really stalled on your holiday gifts this year and haven’t quite finished all your  shopping. It’s ok, there is no need to panic just yet!

While most other stores have already passed their holiday deadlines for shipping, Amazon gives you three extra days of leeway to get your orders in time for Christmas.

REMEMBER: Amazon’s 2-day shipping is free with Amazon Prime no matter how large or small the order so if you were thinking about taking advantage of a free trial or if you just wanted to try it out, now is a great time to do it! You can upgrade to Amazon Prime here. With Amazon prime, you get three extra days of holiday shopping at no extra charge!

The complete list of shipping deadlines is here but here are the methods that are still good:

  • Sunday, December 21st: Place any order with 2 day shipping and your item will arrive in time for Christmas.
  • Monday, December 22nd: Place any order with 2 day shipping and your item will arrive in time for Christmas as long as you place it by 3 PM PST (may vary per item). Or, order at any point all day with One-Day Shipping (With Amazon Prime, this is just $3.99).
  • Tuesday, December 23st: Place any order with 1 day shipping and your item will arrive in time for Christmas as long as you place it by 3 PM PST (may very per item).

Remember, all of these deadlines above also apply to Priced Nostalgia Press books on Amazon so if you were considering getting one of our publications as a gift, you can take advantage of these shipping deadlines now but you’ll need to hurry!

Shop all of the Priced Nostalgia Press books available on Amazon in our aStore.