- Quickies for 2009-03-20 http://cli.gs/nJ7eYt #
- 2 New My Little Pony Art Ponies available for pre-order http://cli.gs/3Teqn7 #
- I’ve never been able to see those Magic Eye 3D picture things. My bro could see them in seconds, me never. http://tinyurl.com/czf7nb #
- Spring Sale has Sprung! (25% off almost everything in our store) http://ad.vu/a8zq #
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- The My Little Pony G2 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the second generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released from 1997 to 2003
- The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated guide to the beginning of the third generation of MLP including all ponies, playsets and accessories released from 2003 to 2007
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