If you sell on eBay, you may find yourself needing to look this info up frequently or perhaps you are a new seller and just didn’t know where to find this info.
Let us save you the trouble of looking this up.
My Little Pony (#47227)
Pre-1990 (#375)
1990-Now (#47228)
Now the main category, #47227 is helpful to know but you cannot list any item directly in that category. The eBay listing tool forces you to select a secondary category which would be one of the two others.
Unfortunately, eBay’s definition of vintage means that an item must be at least 20 years old which is why their older pony category falls in the middle of a pony generation. Most eBay users ignore the 1990 cut-off date and use #375 for all First Generation ponies (which are ponies released before 1997) and #47228 for all ponies released after 1997 (which includes the Second and Third Generations).
When listing your MLP item, instead of browsing for the category, you can save time by simply copy and pasting the category number you need from above.