Think you know everything there is to know about My Little Pony? Let’s put that to the test.
Starting tomorrow, will be hosting a weekly trivia contest. Trivia questions will post every Tuesday and then answers will post every Thursday. Can you be the first person to post the correct answer?
For the first few weeks of trivia, the only prize will be the satisfaction of being the first right answer while we get the bugs out of the system. But these first few weeks are really just training and practice for the future when the fastest finger will be awarded a fabulous prize each month.
What do you need to do to prepare?
- Study up on your MLP knowledge by reading through Summer Hayes’ My Little Pony guides.
- Make sure that you are subscribed to My Little Pony either by RSS or email so that you see the questions as soon as we post them.
- Follow us on Twitter @MLPcollecting. Whenever possible, we’ll tweet out hints to give our Twitter followers an extra edge.
- For fastest commenting, you may want to sign up for Google Friend Connect. Not only is it free, it also let’s you post using your avatar and login from any other site of your choosing. To sign up, use the pink Google Friend Connect box in the right hand navbar on this site.
We’ll be taking submissions for questions soon but, for now, best of luck and we will see you for trivia tomorrow!