Ever since the first promotional photos came out, MLP fans has been drooling over the Comic Convention (that’s the San Diego Comic Convention, SDCC) exclusive My Little Pony figure for 2009. Like Two-Face of Batman fame, this pony was good on one side:

My Little Pony Comic Con 2009 Hero side

But evil on the other:

My Little Pony Comic Con 2009 Villain side

This split personality lady says, “I’ll rule the world!” on her evil purple side but “I’ll save the day!” on her green good side.

If you weren’t able to get this limited edition, convention exclusive item, now is your chance! Many of the convention attendees are currently selling these on eBay so now is your chance to grab her. If past convention exclusives are any indication, though, the longer you wait to buy yours, the more you’ll have to pay and the less chance there will be any left so you’ll want to act soon.banana inflatable

Now, considering the Super Hero Pony of 2007, the Black Ninja or Villain Pony of 2008 and this new Two Face of 2009, what is your favorite of the three?