- Over 100 records on sale now! Alice Cooper, Barbra Streisand, Beatles, Barry Manilow, Beach Boys, Billy Joel, Bruc… http://bit.ly/5p7sVs #
- RT @hillarydepiano: Would you please help me raise money to help out in Haiti? I’ll give you advertising in exchange! http://is.gd/6k4qI #
- This TiVo Series2 TCD649080 80 GB is $150 on Amazon. But starts at under $1 from us! http://is.gd/6F5jU #
- Teachers love reading Through the Flashlight’s Beam aloud in their classrooms http://bit.ly/5WjIKb #
- My Little Pony auctions and buy it now listings ending in less than 48 hours! Big Brother, Babies, Sea Ponies and more! http://bit.ly/7BTBQx #
- The History of Alvin and the Chipmunks http://fb.me/4FYoMMs #
- Hide your cats! 80s alien icon ALF is on Twitter! http://fb.me/7njcrAy #
- The 5 Stages of Toy Collecting http://is.gd/6ODS5 (via @hillarydepiano & @purplepajamas) #

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