- Collector’s Inventory Nostalgia News Round-up for 2010-05-15 http://bit.ly/cGMH0C #
- Collector’s Inventory Nostalgia News Round-up for 2010-05-15 http://bit.ly/9XkXkz #
- Remembering Jim Henson: 20 Years Later http://dld.bz/dSYa (Tributes in Art to the creator of the Muppets who died today in 1990) #
- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of the ’80s http://is.gd/cdeuQ (My Little Pony was listed as the good so, whew!) #
- RT @hillarydepiano: Tutti: The Barbie sister most likely to murder you in your sleep http://bit.ly/aSNkM5 #
- Mod Barbie dolls, clothes and more from the 60s and 70s on http://bit.ly/dwfZI1 #
- Super cool vintage glass bottles! Medicine, soda and more! http://is.gd/cfEc7 #
- Such a beautiful bowl! You'll love how it sparkles and shines! http://dld.bz/ek5y #
- You'd be amazed how little you can snag a vintage Mod Barbie for! http://is.gd/chMxV Dolls from the 60s/70s, some at under $1! Great deals! #
- Magazines and Newspapers from 1893, 1898, 1911 and 1932 all for under $1 http://dld.bz/ek6t The Ladies Home Journal & more! #
- RT @hillarydepiano: Seth Green's wedding had a My Little Pony table! http://is.gd/cjrfp #

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- The My Little Pony G1 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the first generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released before 1997
- The My Little Pony G2 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the second generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released from 1997 to 2003
- The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated guide to the beginning of the third generation of MLP including all ponies, playsets and accessories released from 2003 to 2007
- The She-Ra Collector’s Inventory: An Unofficial Illustrated Guide to All Princess of Power Toys and Accessories (Includes Price Guide)
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