So let’s take a second to talk about this article. Hasbro sent out a press release to this effect so this news was all over the place a few days ago.
Now the original press release was talking about combining all their properties into a movie called Hasbro Factory. The movie is real and is set to be released by Paramount in the near future.
Hasbro already sold the movie rights to many of their board game properties so this could be the glorious Monopoly/Connect Four big screen cross-over we’ve all longed for. (Note: I own a knock-off version of Connect Four called Four-in-a-Row which I find refreshingly direct. I also own a knock-off of Battleship called Sea Battle. You know that you are jealous.)
But there is a lot of speculation that this could be a movie involving their toy properties. My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, G. I. Joe, Transformers, Mr. Potato Head, Baby Alive, Gloworm, Easy-Bake Ovens, Tonka trucks, FurReal Friends and more could all be together in one glorious movie.
Let’s put our heads together and think about what that movie could conceivably be like. Which characters would they be most likely to use? Is Mr. Potato head locked into something with Pixar so he’s unavailable? Does Micheal Bay have a total lock on Transformers?
Who knows? Instead, let’s wildly speculate on what this movie could be about. You don’t have to use every property, but try to use as many as you can as you share your “In world…” style movie tagline below.
And you know what site you are on so, please, shoehorn the ladies of MLP in there somewhere, hmm?
Here are a list of Hasbro’s most popular properties to give you inspiration (links lead to Wikipedia to jog your memory):
- Army Ants
- Battle Beasts
- Cabbage Patch Kids (1989-1994)
- Easy-Bake Oven
- G.I. Joe
- Jem
- Lincoln Logs
- Lite-Brite
- M.A.S.K.
- Mr. Potato Head
- My Little Pony
- Play-Doh
- Pokémon
- Spirograph
- Star Wars
- Tinkertoys
- Transformers
- Zoids
- S.P.A.C.E.S
- Axis and Allies
- Battleship
- Candy Land
- Cranium
- Clue (Cluedo)
- Diplomacy
- Dungeons & Dragons (role-playing game)
- The Game of Life
- Magic: The Gathering (Hasbro’s top-selling brand)
- Duel Masters Trading Card Game
- Monopoly (best selling board game ever according to the Guinness Book of World Records)
- Ouija
- Pictionary
- Risk
- Scrabble
- Trivial Pursuit
- Mirror-Mirror (Winner of ITV1’s ‘Design a Board Game Competition’)
- Bop It
- Bull’s Eye Ball
- Jenga
In a world ruled by rainbows, the Pinkie Pie and her friends must band together with their neighbors the Gloworms when a minuscule Pet Shop is overrun by furry animals. But as the invading animals are revealed to be Transformers in disguise, they call in the big guns. Can Sargent Potato Head and the soldiers of G. I. Joe win at The Game of Life or will they be reduced to Nerf?
When Mr. Body turns up dead in Candy Land, it's up to Jem and the Holograms to solve the case. But their Trivia Pursuit is derailed when a message from beyond the grave is spelled out with Play Doh. Can the Ouija board give them the Clue or should they trust the mysterious Spirograph.
In a world ruled by rainbows, the Pinkie Pie and her friends must band together with their neighbors the Gloworms when a minuscule Pet Shop is overrun by furry animals. But as the invading animals are revealed to be Transformers in disguise, they call in the big guns. Can Sargent Potato Head and the soldiers of G. I. Joe win at The Game of Life or will they be reduced to Nerf?
When Mr. Body turns up dead in Candy Land, it’s up to Jem and the Holograms to solve the case. But their Trivia Pursuit is derailed when a message from beyond the grave is spelled out with Play Doh. Can the Ouija board give them the Clue or should they trust the mysterious Spirograph.