I read an article on Worstpreviews.com giving Sigourney Weaver’s feedback on such rumored films as Ghostbusters 3, prequels to the Alien franchise, and Avatar 2. She regrettably will have no involvement with any prequels to Alien, but almost confirmed her involvement in an Avatar 2. She was not able to reveal any details at this time about Avatar 2, but even her hinting she’ll be in the film is kind of a spoiler alert considering she died, oh well. When asked about Ghostbusters 3, to my great pleasure she had this to say; “Apparently that’s happening. I got a call from Ivan [Reitman] and they’re working on the script. If it’s not a great script, we’re not going to do it, but we hope it will be a great script.”
If you’d like to check out the site here it is.