Last month, the humor website Cracked mercilessly mocked the TMNT Coming out of their Shells Tour as part of a post titled “The 7 Most Offensive Adaptations of Classic Comic Books” .

The whole article is worth reading, but I was particularly entertained by the commentary, pictures, and video clips of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles thankfully short-lived musical career.

Like any young child who grew up during the 80s and 90s I loved the Ninja Turtles. I owned every action figure (literally), saw every episode of the cartoon and millions of times, and tried to collect every scrap of TMNT merchandise I could get my hands on. Like any loyal Turtle fan I religiously ate pizza and what better place than a TMNT sponsor like Pizza Hut.

With this being said, when Pizaa Hut promoted and offered a cassette tape of the TMNT Coming Out of their Shells tour soundtrack I of course had to have it. I was too young at the time to realize the full scope of the Turtle’s street-cred suicide they were committing. I especially didn’t realize there was an actual tour with costumed turtles pretending to play instruments! I am not going to lie though, I loved that tape! I remember listening to it countless times. I am also not going to lie, after looking at the pictures and watching the clip I now hold my head down in shame for loving that tape so much.

The article is definitely worth reading so check it out. And let’s be honest; you know you have the tape somewhere so go to your nearest museum or antique shop, find a cassette player or walk man, and rock out to some reptilian bliss!