What’s been going on in the pony-sphere lately? Let’s take a look!

Soasig Chamaillard’s “My Little Mary,” 2010
- I have five words for you: Virgin Mary My Little Pony
- iTunes is offering a free download of the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in HD for a limited time. Don’t forget to grab yours!
- Which My Little Pony are you? Take the personality quiz and find out! http://j.mp/hfetHp
- He-Man’s Orko as a My Little Pony http://j.mp/gpwUg5
- Not enough for you? OK, then how about a
Avatar Navi pony? http://j.mp/gQ1q5t - Extra booth space has already sold out for the MLP Convention! Make sure
to buy vendor space soon before it’s all gone http://j.mp/hWDcIR - Celebrity kids get My Little Pony (and other toys) at their own Oscars
Red Carpet Event http://j.mp/dOWZdi (I want an Oscars Red Carpet Event with free MLP stuff, darn it!) - Every since he wrote that great post on MLP vs Major Comic Book characters, (Which DC characters would best wield the Elements of Harmony from My
Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?) Ask Chris has been getting lots of MLP questions. At the bottom of this post, he has to defend Pinkie Pie from detractors. - Lady Gaga played with My Little Pony as a kid AND they were part of her inspiration for the Born This Way video! I’m thinking we knew this already if we’d really thought about it.
- @Steves_Minty:
“Sometime in the 80s Lady Gaga was playing Ponies when Express Yourself
came on, and a career was born!” -@astrosteve - We were getting a lot of very grumpy comments on the is My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic an Anime? post… http://j.mp/f7NVz2 - We added Facebook comments to this entire site. Try
them out & let us know what you think! 🙂 (We also left up old comments as well, don’t worry.) - Struts: Slutty looking My Little Pony wanna bes? http://j.mp/ecq4aD Prepare see these
mis-listed as MLP in the future…
Maybe I should start doing these weekly. That seemed like a lot. Anyway, know of any cool/funny/nifty MLP related stuff I missed? Please post it below!