We’ve been selling lots of MLPs all along, of course, with a steady stream of fixed price listings going up all the time to satisfy your My Little Pony craving but we always get the same questions, “When will you be doing another big batch of auctions?”
Well, you asked and we listened. Right now, there are over 65 MLP auctions all starting at under $1 in our eBay store. There’s some good stuff in there, hard to find G3s, the Disney Build-a-Pony Princess outfits that have since been discontinued, and a few other surprises we’ll be listing in the next few days. Many of these listings don’t have a single bid on them yet so it’s a great opportunity for you to snag some great pieces for under $1 each.
As always, the more you buy, the more you’ll save on shipping with our combined rates! Adding additional ponies to your order usually only raises the shipping cost $.50 to $1 over the cost of shipping a single pony. Those savings can really add up so bid away.
But these listings are going to end in less than 48 hours so, if you’re interested, you better get your bids in now to avoid disappointment. See all our MLP listings at a glance here!