- My Little Pony Fair Forum and Updates!
The My Little Pony Fair has a brand new discussion forum hosted by our friends at the MLP Arena. Stop by and introduce yourself as well as find a carpool or hotel roommate, advertise your sale items, or just chat about all things My Little Pony Fair: My Little Pony Fair 2011 Discussion Forum
Also, if you are wanting to order lunch for Saturday at the Fair, you will need to place your order by June 8th. Tickets can be purchased through our Eventbrite MLPFair Lunch Page.
If you have not yet visited the My Little Pony Fair website, check it out for event details and ticket purchasing information: http://www.mylittleponycon.com/
The Fair Staff recently heard back from Hasbro and we have been able to develop a rough schedule to help you plan your days for the MLP Fair. We should have details on the motor coach pick up and drop off times shortly as well as a detailed event schedule in the coming weeks. Rest assured there are some really awesome things up our sleeves this year!!
Bus pick up 1
Bus pick up 2
2-4 tour at Hasbro and shopping at Hasbro Toyshop.
Bus drop off 1
4-6 vendor set-up
Bus drop off 2
Dinner Break 4-6
Movie room reserved at the Renaissance Hotel for My Little Obsession screening.
(6:00-7:30) movie session 1
(7:30-9:00) movie session 2 (vendor group)Saturday
Bus pick up 1
8 vendor set-up
Bus pick up 2
9-5 Fair Main Day Events (selling, games, contests, classes, demos etc.)
Bus drop off 1
Bus drop off 2
Ice Cream Social 6-7 at Renaissance Hotel for Registered Hotel guests that have ice cream social tickets.Can’t wait to see you at the 2011 My Little Pony Fair in July!
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- Collector’s Inventory Series
- The My Little Pony 2007-2008 Collector’s Inventory
- The My Little Pony 2009-2012 Collector’s Inventory
- The My Little Pony G1 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the first generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released before 1997
- The My Little Pony G2 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the second generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released from 1997 to 2003
- The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated guide to the beginning of the third generation of MLP including all ponies, playsets and accessories released from 2003 to 2007
- The She-Ra Collector’s Inventory: An Unofficial Illustrated Guide to All Princess of Power Toys and Accessories (Includes Price Guide)
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