- Signed My Little Pony Auctions to Benefit Lymphoma Association
Hi Pony Pals!
Lucy Sawdon is running some auctions currently on Ebay of celebrity signed My Little Ponies. All proceeds will go to the Lymphoma Association and since I’m all about a good cause and this is pony related, I’m promoting her efforts.
Celebrity signed ponies include:
Lorraine Kelly,the cast of the hit TV series Hustle,Mercedes McNab,Stephanie Romanov, jockey Peter Scudermore, and jockey Lester Piggott.Lucy’s auctions can be found HERE.
Here’s a little information on the Lymphoma Association for curious minds:
Founded by patients in 1986, the Lymphoma Association is the only specialist UK charity that provides accurate medical information and support to lymphatic cancer patients, their families, friends and carers.When patients learn they have lymphatic cancer, whether this is Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma, they often know little about it. In these circumstances, it is natural to feel fear or anxiety. However, the Lymphoma Association believes that knowledge conquers fear, so continually works to provide accurate medical information and emotional support to anyone affected by lymphoma.
Lymphoma is the most common cancer in the 18-35 age group and is most prevalent among women however very few people are aware of its existence or the symptoms until they are directly affected by it. To learn more you can visit the Lymphoma Association’s website directly at The Lymphoma Association .
- "Equestria Girls" Friendship is Magic Video
If you haven’t yet had the chance to watch the new My Little Pony cartoon series, Friendship is Magic, on the HUB network, you have been missing out!
Check out this fun My Little Pony parody of Katy Perry¹s “California Girls”, “Equestria Girls”. This video celebrates The Hub¹s new summer programming including “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” at 6:30 p.m. ET weeknights and Saturdays at
8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. ET.MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC (Hub Original Series) Monday – Friday
6:30 PM ET / Saturdays at 8 AM and 8:30 AM ET
In “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic,” Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn pony
with a talent for magic spells, discovers the most important magic of all –
friendship. Each episode follows Twilight and her friends Applejack, Rarity,
Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as they embark on wondrous
adventures in the magical world of Equestria, guided by the nurturing advice
of the magnificent Princess Celestia, as they learn what it means to be true
friends. Produced by Hasbro Studios - My Little Pony Fair 2011 Countdown!
Can you believe it is almost June? The Fair is just a few weeks away!
The Fair staff has been hard at work with Hasbro over the last several months planning and organizing this year’s event. We have some awesome surprises in store for this year’s attendees! Make sure to check www.mylittleponycon.com as well as the Fair message board hosted by www.mlparena.com in the coming days and weeks for updates on Fair activities you won’t want to miss.
Hasbro’s catering staff is offering a catered lunch for purchase on Saturday. Sales end June 8th so we can get the final lunch count to the catering staff. If you are interested in purchasing lunch, visit our Eventbrite lunch ticketing page: http://mlpfairlunch.eventbrite.com/
We have confirmed the motor coach pick up times with the transportation company and will be dividing those with tickets on the motor coach into two groups. We will be putting all vendors (and any general admission ticket holders that were purchased along with a vendor pass) in one group if possible so they can take advantage of the Friday night set up time and the Saturday morning set up time before the Fair opens to those with general admission tickets.
Currently, we have only 4 vendor booths left for purchase. If you want to add a vendor booth, you should purchase it very soon. We cannot fit any additional booths in the convention space at Hasbro. Once the booths are reserved we will not be adding any more.
The movie screening of the documentary film about My Little Pony Collecting entitled My Little Pony Obsession will take place on Friday night at the Renaissance Hotel after the tours at Hasbro. In order to accommodate all Fair attendees, we will have two movie show times and attendees will be divided into two groups. The first showing will take place at 6:00 and the second session will be at 7:30.
If you have any specific requests regarding booth placement, or would like to be placed in the same motor coach or movie screening group as another collector please send an email to summer@mylittleponycon.com with the subject line “Booth Request” “Motor Coach Request” or “Movie Request” by June 8th. We will try to honor all requests.
See you in July!
Summer Hayes
2011 MLP Fair CoordinatorEvent: My Little Pony Fair and Convention 2011
Date: Friday, July 08, 2011 at 8:00 AM – Saturday, July 09, 2011 at 8:00 PM (ET)
Hasbro Headquarters
1027 Newport Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02862For more information click here: My Little Pony Fair and Convention 2011

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