- Hurry and book your room at the Rosen Plaza for MLPFair 2012!
Hey Fair Goers!
I just checked with the Rosen Plaza Hotel and they told me that they have less than 15 rooms left in our room block for Saturday night. They have no additional rooms available for Saturday, so once the block fills up, there will not be any more rooms added. In other words, if you plan on staying at the host hotel (where the Fair is being held), you had better act fast and make your reservations. Fair guests staying at the Rosen Plaza will receive a special My Little Pony Fair key card and I’m working on getting you some extra goodies as well!
Call 1-800-627-8258 to make your reservations and tell them you want the special MY LITTLE PONY FAIR ANNUAL CONVENTION block room rate. Additional details can be found on the Fair website. See you in July!
- Mission: Organization
I just returned from my vacation where I spent time basking in the Florida sunshine but was greeted with snow and bitter cold upon my arrival home. It was a lovely trip full of beach reading, swimming, and walking along the shoreline.
Now that I’m home and it is officially the start of my new year, I have a series of To-Do lists that need to be acknowledged. The first and most pressing item is tackling the mess that is my office. I spent the whole of yesterday sorting, filing, and organizing. It is almost finished and I owe it all to this:
Seriously. I picked up one of these labelers while I was Office Depot replacing my 10 year old 3 in 1 printer that died a slow and painful death, and it has provided me with new found motivation to sort and organize. Plus, I picked up some fun pink labeling tape that I’ll be using to label all of my individual pony accessory bags. The possibilities are endless!
I had a bunch of loose MLP Fair Promo cards and Friendship is Magic giveaway items that needed a home so I placed them in some plastic storage drawers and slapped on a label and now it brings a smile to my face just looking at them all neatly organized in their new home. It’s the little things right?
If you look to the right, you can see one of the floral wall murals that will soon be no more. I just need to commit to a paint color. Suggestions?
I realize that this whole, “It’s a new year and I’m going to get organized” thing is cliche, but if you had seen my office a few days ago, I’m pretty sure you would have suggested I hop aboard the organization bandwagon. So with my new P-touch labeler in one hand, and my to-do lists in the other, I say, “Bring it 2012.”

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- The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated guide to the beginning of the third generation of MLP including all ponies, playsets and accessories released from 2003 to 2007
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