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Hey guys! Kathy aka triviamaven here. I know… you thought I fell off a cliff or something. I’ve been a pretty terrible blogger lately but that’s about to change.
Long time readers will remember that we used to do a weekly trivia question here at MyLittlePonyCollecting.com. Well, we stopped doing it for a while mostly because… I was going nuts trying to remember to post it every single week. But I’m please to announce that, starting tomorrow, trivia is back… with a few changes.
The biggest change is that trivia will now be every other week instead of every week. Every Tuesday (starting next week) I’ll post a trivia question. Everyone will have a week to leave their guesses and then the answer will post the following week in a bi-weekly column from Hillary. Simple enough, right?
There won’t be any prizes for the weekly trivia most of the time… you’ll just get bragging rights for posting the correct answer. But we’ll have more trivia based contests in the future, don’t worry!
So get your thinking cap on and stay tuned for more trivia fun!