The official My Little Pony site has a special card creator “game” for Valentine’s Day. This simple flash creator makes cute little cards for you to print and give to your friends.

But it also makes a very simple little fan art generator for those of us that may not have the artistic ability of others out there. With a bunch of backgrounds, all the major characters in a variety of poses and costumes and a bevy of props, you can actually use this creator to set up scenes for fan art and comics. Just grab a screenshot of your work once it’s finished.

From a multi-panel comic to a one-panel gag for the My Little Brony crowd, there’s a lot of potential!

If you end up making anything, please share it with us below!

Here’s some quick screenshots to give you an idea of what it’s like. No, I don’t know what’s going on in any of these scenes either. 😉