- New MY LITTLE PONY Fair Design Revealed!
Hasbro has outdone themeselves once again with this amazing design created for the MY LITTLE PONY Fair! I am absolutely loving this Firefly design.
It makes a great addition to the previously announced MY LITTLE PONY Fair logo:
By the way, if you haven’t purchased your tickets for the MY LITTLE PONY Fair yet, you may want to head over to www.mylittleponycon.com to get them. Online sales end June 22nd!
- Further Reading … Pony Style #4
Who doesn’t love the allure of the Italy? I had the opportunity to visit this amazingly beautiful country a few years ago and immediately fell in love with it. I was able to experience the breathtaking cities of Rome, Florence, and Venice as well as travel through the countryside and take in the gorgeous sights on the coast.
While I was there, you know I hit up every toy shop I could find hoping to uncover some dusty My Little Pony relic. I did manage to find a MIB G2 playset tucked on shelf in a shop in Venice, but alas, my dreams of finding pristine mint on card 1980’s Italian My Little Ponies were not realized.
I remember when Italian ponies were all the rage in the collecting community. Of course this was before the discovery of Greek, Argentinean, and Columbians. In 2001, I spent many a late night in my college dorm room reading about collectors’ Italian pony acquisitions and trying to piece together the history of these foreign ponies by gathering information about their variations, their releases, and their distribution. Yeah, I realize that I probably should have been involved in a keg stand wearing pleather pants and a sequined top at some random frat party, but that glamorous life choice just wasn’t in the cards for me.
A few years later, an Italian collector by the name of Roswita started up a web page devoted to Italian My Little Pony called, Mio Mini Pony. It hasn’t been updated in ages, has a dodgy layout, and is still hosted by Tripod, but it has some great information if you are wanting to brush up on your Italian (ponies). The site offers detailed information on history, identification, and profiles and photos for several Italian pony characters. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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