- My Little Pony Performance Art
Dennis Verbeke, who studies fine arts at Gerrit Reitveld
University in Amsterdam, has created a
performance art piece that he calls “Pony
Performance.” It includes an original soundtrack, special lighting design, and
212 My Little Pony toys. He sits on a
lighted platform surrounded by the ponies and gingerly picks them up, examines
them, and brushes their rainbow colored locks with a tiny star shaped brush.
At this point, I feel it necessary to add that I know little
to nothing of performance art other than every time I have experienced it, it
makes me feel utterly confused. I’m never sure how I should react. Should I read into it to discover its deeper
hidden truths or should I giggle at its absurdity?…( I usually remove myself
from its proximity as soon as possible lest the giggling wins out and I look
like a judgmental ass.)So I’m watching this clip of “Pony Performance” trying to
keep an open mind and I’m wondering, “Should
I ponder the greater meaning of the pony selection?” and “Does the direction and frequency of the brushing
of the pony hair actually have some significance?” I continue to watch the full four minute clip
and am kind of impressed by the thought and effort that went into this piece.
Upon reading a few of Mr. Verbeke’s blog entries it becomes evident that he did
not amass a sizable collection for use solely in his performance, but that his
performance was instead inspired by his collection.If I told you I understood what was at the heart of “Pony
Performance” I’d be lying, but I do think it is pretty great that this artist
was able to create something out of something he loves.Dennis Verbeke is raising money through a crowd fundraising website to help cover his costs to perform his “Pony Performance” in August
2012 in Stockholm.

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