- MY LITTLE PONY Fair Appreciation Shout Outs!
The 9th annual MY LITTLE PONY Fair happened on July 7th and 8th in Orlando, Florida and was a successful and well attended event. We had double the attendance of past events and tons of fun! The Fair staff and many volunteers worked tirelessly to bring our attendees the best Fair yet! I want to personally thank the following people for all their help:
The 501st Legion (Florida Garrison)- I simply cannot say enough good things about this group. They were amazing. They interacted with attendees, ran games, posed for pictures, and were all around great! Plus, one of their members dressed as a “Pony Trooper!” May the horse be with you 501st!
MLPWhitney- A fellow collector, MLPWhitney, ran both of our Pony Bingo sessions. She added her own pony commentary and made the game fresh and fun. Thanks Whitney!
MustBeJewel– Jewel outdid herself once again by creating an informative and entertaining presentation all about the history of MY LITTLE PONY. Despite having her power knocked out by a crazy east coast storm and subsequently loosing over half of her footage a week before the Fair, she still managed to create an amazing documentary short. Plus, she graciously offered up some copies of her documentary film, My Little Obsession for our giveaways!
PonyDad– This guy, who happens to be Jewel’s dad, is seriously the unsung hero as far as supporting the pony community is concerned. He not only provided all of our sound equipment for the event and digital projector, but he also set everything up and jumped in to save the day when we had a few technical difficulties. Thanks PonyDad!
ElfPony- Offered up some pony packs from Canada for our movie night giveaways. Elfpony, you rock!
TraderTif– Sent me a stock of G1 soundtrack records from My Little Pony the movie to use as prizes. If you didn’t take home a record this year, don’t worry… we’ll have more at future events! Thanks TraderTif!
The MLPArena– Thank you for hosting our 2012 Fair forum!
Photographer Paul– You were everywhere with your camera. I can’t wait to see the photos and update the Fair website with your images. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Snyfez- Thanks for running our contest sign ups. We couldn’t have managed without your help!
Sebby and Doug– An amazing clean-up duo! Thanks for helping with the job no one wanted to do!
Jenn and Steve– Thank you for running the door and sitting at the sales desk for hours on end. So glad that Jenn volunteered you for the task and that you were such a good sport about it!
Girlbuffalo, Stevator, and Matt– Great teamwork once again and glad you could join us in the fun this year, Stevator!
Last but not least,
HASBRO– Thank you so much for supporting our event and reaching out to your MY LITTLE PONY Collector fan base. We love all that you do and thank you for creating products, characters, and a brand that we grew up loving and can now share with a new generation!
- My Little Pony FIM Trading Cards
I’m into collecting ponies, and playsets, and accessories, and merchandise… and now trading cards! I really didn’t need to add another subheading to my collection roster, but they are just too cute to resist! Plus, my friend Kar personally worked on them for Enterplay and I’m all about supporting my pony peeps.
Sold in packs of 5, these adorable cards cover all of Equestria including, characters, pets, favorite moments, and locations. Plus, you can collect pony character standee cards, foil cards to build puzzles, and special gold cards. On the back of each character card is a fun fact sheet and fun trivia questions can be found on the back of each favorite moment card.
I’ve already seen a bunch of card trading threads pop up on the collecting community boards and I have to say that it brings me back to the early days of collecting when trades were common and brings a smile to my face. In fact, I worked out my first card trade earlier today.
Let me know if you are currently collecting, or have plans to collect the FIM MLP card set. Who knows? Maybe we can work out a trade.

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- The My Little Pony G1 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the first generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released before 1997
- The My Little Pony G2 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated collector’s price guide to the second generation of MLP including all US ponies, playsets and accessories released from 1997 to 2003
- The My Little Pony G3 Collector’s Inventory: an unofficial full color illustrated guide to the beginning of the third generation of MLP including all ponies, playsets and accessories released from 2003 to 2007
- The She-Ra Collector’s Inventory: An Unofficial Illustrated Guide to All Princess of Power Toys and Accessories (Includes Price Guide)
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