A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Bonnie Zacherle, the creator of MY LITTLE PONY. She is a wonderfully funny, talented, and sweet person and I feel lucky to call her a friend. Her innovative idea of small cuddly ponies with brushable manes shaped my childhood and those of millions of others around the world.

While playing a table topics game with my extended family during the Christmas of 2012, I was asked to name three people (living or deceased) with whom I would like to spend a day. I instantly answered Bonnie Zacherle and Walt Disney, but was at a loss for a third.

A few months later in April of 2013, I was given the opportunity to visit Bonnie Zacherle in her home. I was beyond excited to be spending the day with her, chatting about the history of MY LITTLE PONY, and even getting to see and hold her original PONY prototype models. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so big in a photo!

Since that first meeting, I’ve had the pleasure of hosting Bonnie at the 2013 and 2014 MY LITTLE PONY Fair and traveling with her to New York last spring. I feel grateful to have met Bonnie and I look forward to many more visits and chats in the future. She is an amazing lady and deserves to be celebrated.

Happy Birthday, Ms. Bonnie Zacherle! I hope you have a lovely day.