Hasbro decided to take My Little Pony in something of a different direction this year with bigger heads and smaller bodies. While this new style makes My Little Pony look more like the Littlest Pet Shop line of toys, they don’t have much in common with the ponies of last year.
Toys R Us just announced via Twitter that they are starting to stock these new MLP items so I wanted to take a look at the first ones to hit stores and find out what you think of them.
Let’s take a look at four of these new ponies in this new pose and style:

My Little Pony Rainbow Dash
My Little Pony Styling Pony Pinkie Pie
My Little Pony Winter Sweetie Belle
So while I don’t love this change, I could get behind it, I suppose assuming they still make ponies in the traditional style.
One thing I can’t get behind?
Freaky purple gargoyle lady down here.
My Little Pony So Soft Starsong

I personally like them. Not as much as the G1s, but keep in mind, they are ponies, nonetheless. I second the gargoyle thing, though.
I personally like them. Not as much as the G1s, but keep in mind, they are ponies, nonetheless. I second the gargoyle thing, though.
Rainbow dash reminds me of the lien in predator 1
Rainbow dash reminds me of the lien in predator 1
they creeped me out at first, but are growing on me. i do want my own sweetiebelle, but she’d get customed pretty quick i feel. and yes, so soft starsong, so TERRIFYING! not sure why thye made that change.
they creeped me out at first, but are growing on me. i do want my own sweetiebelle, but she’d get customed pretty quick i feel. and yes, so soft starsong, so TERRIFYING! not sure why thye made that change.
I preferred the other G3 bodies. These are somewhat cute and are more the sorts of things I'd have to put on my computer desk than to consider collecting. The long haired ones, maybe.
So I finally saw these in the store a couple of days ago (I was unpacking boxes and found some of my childhood MLPs) and I… I can honestly say I wanted to break down and cry right then and there. They horrify me. worse than the G2's.
Anyways, I don't get it either.
Looks like if I want a nostalgia fix I'm springing for eBay and shipping now.
They're cute and all… but they don't say “My Little Pony” to me. A far cry from the originals, and if you ask me, they make it look like Hasbro is trying too hard.
I was in the shop and I wanted to take a look at the my little pony's, but then i saw those ugly weird pony's! everytime, there are no normal ponies anymore! I don't like the new!!
Do NOT like them. Had my daughter's 5th birthday. She's been playing with her MLPs from last summer's birthday, so I suggested to people she get some more. When she opened them I was surprised. I asked if they were baby ponies. Nope. Well, they don't go with the ones she already had. She really just wanted more plastic clothes for them because the 2 she got last year came with clothes. They are also more like the ones I had as a kid. I guessed they made the change to compete with LPS, which both my girls love, but YUCK!
They don't really need to compete with Littlest Pet Shop, since they are both owned by Hasbro! 🙂
I knew there had to be more people that are pissed off at this 'new look' for the ponies. They are GROSS!. The baby ones do indeed look like aliens. Anyone see that Xbox game of those aliens in Munches Odyssey? Yep…THATS what these new ponies look like. Such a shame! Ugly Ugly Ugly!
I knew there had to be more people that are pissed off at this ‘new look’ for the ponies. They are GROSS!. The baby ones do indeed look like aliens. Anyone see that Xbox game of those aliens in Munches Odyssey? Yep…THATS what these new ponies look like. Such a shame! Ugly Ugly Ugly!
Remember the survey that was taken for the next generation by hasbro? I bet so many people took it and wanted boy ponies or more pony types like sea ponies. Hasbro, still didn’t want change, therefore, they brought out these little aliens. I wanted to weep at the abominations that sat on the shelves, tiny, ugly, and with too big heads. Then, they mess with the so-softs too! That pony looks like a purple squash! Waaah!!!
I know Hasbro said a few years ago that they would never released boy ponies in G3. But those new mermaid ponies, while not sea ponies as we know them, are kinda cute.
I prefer the older style MLP’s (pre 2008) as well. I think the new ones look a little, psycho and Bobble-headish. The new style do not have the adorable, realistic signature MLP head’s, facial expressions and body. I hope Hasbro will bring back the old style personally. The new ones are still cool but just a little “freaky” looking rather than looking like a real Pony… Hasbro made a poor design change in my opinion..
I don’t like these. but what they have come out with NOW for 2011 is even WORSE.
They are completely unrecognisable as ponies. If I saw one of these without packaging or identifying material, I honestly wouldn’t know what it was meant to be, some sort of giant-headed fox thing I guess. The giant-headed bug-eyed theme puts me in mind of a foetus.
Ew theyre ugly
When I was a child, I didn’t even like the twinkled eyed ponies because I thought they looked weird. I don’t even really consider these ponies.
When I was a kid, I made up this elaborate story in my head about how the Twinkle Eyed ponies were disabled because someone had shoved jewels into their eyes and that made them blind.
Feel free to analyze that as you wish. 🙂
I hate them. I’ve been collection for 20+ years and I absolutely HATE the new ones. When they first came back, they were super ugly and looked nothing like the originals. But with G3 & G4, I fell in love again. Sure, they still weren’t as cute as the originals, but I still thought they were pretty and worth collecting.
But these new disproportionate things are atrocious… with their big, weird, slanty eyes and big ole heads on TINY little bodies. I think they simply look freakish.
Hasbro has made them progressively uglier over the last couple of years, and it is really VERY very sad.
lol that’s funny, I loved the twinkle eyed ponies though.
Locket and bright eyes are 2 of my favorites ^.^
Just for point of clarity, the ones above are G3. But I agree that the earlier G3 ones were cuter.
Oh yeah, and not to mention they took my FAVORITE pony, Applejack, and turned her into one of the new freakish, awkward, ugly as sin, new my little ponies.
It broke my heart, and solidified my loathing for Hasbro.
I think I got confused, I hate G4 lol Just G3
I DO NOT like the new My Little Ponies at all . . . they have big eyes, skinny starved bodies, pointed muzzels and frankly look a little scary – as compared to the cute plumper ponies of the past. WHY, WHY would you take something that has worked for so many years and create something so ugly?
They look more like duck-faced aliens than ponies. I think there is a slightly sick undertone to the over-large eye/head obsession that toy manufacturers have these days. The old style ponies were much much prettier. I really dislike the new look. Not graceful.
It’s like those ‘Bratz’ dolls. They’re awful too – for a similar reason. It’s not good enough to be even mildly in proportion these days – all your sexual features need to be four times their natural size – eyes, lips etc – and the makeup. I’ve only ever seen eyes that big on someone who’s tripping HARD. I do wonder what message these kinds of toys send to children – and I condsider myself quite liberal and comfortable these things – which makes me think there really must be something a bit wrong here.
I mean – not that Barbie was ever in proportion – and things don’t have to be in proportion to be acceptable. But. I don’t know. This current trend is too much.
Anyhow – I really don’t think they can be called ponies anymore. My Little Duck-Face Warp-o-trons, perhaps.
All I have to say is WTF! The new ponies look very disturbing to me and a living nightmare! Whoever redesigned the new ponies for Hasbro must have been having a severe LSD trip or smoking crack! Whoever designed the new ponies should be fired on the spot! I had a large collection of the original ponies when I was growing up in the 80’s. I regret giving them away to charity and wished I had saved them. I feel very sad for the kids of today, because now all the toys on the market are crap. No wonder kids have gotten so mentally and emotionally messed up over the past two decades………
I am a G1 fan only. Even when I was 11 and they came out with ponies with new poses, I balked. I still have only one of my original set left (Butterscotch, 1983) but I had so many of them and the stable and the carry case when I was a kid. The new ponies now (that my child loves, ugh) look psychotic. They look all warped and angular. The G1 ponies were sweet and gentle looking, pretty with great color combinations. They were little “friends.” Now it seems harsh and ugly, all straight lines and Picasso-esque features. They look like someone’s acid dream. I actually quite despise the newest ones (from the FiM show which I also have problems with since it introduces all this “magic” stuff like incantations and spells etc. and stupid names like “Celestia” and “Equestria”and serial killer ponies like “nightmare Moon” and what is with the gargoyle?? Hasbro is definitely smoking SOMETHING.