Ah yes. Leave it to the love of fans and cult followings to combine two random aspects of my youth in a great way that otherwise have no relation. On a blog from Quinnarama I saw home made Fisher Price style Thundercat toys. I have many a fond memory playing with Fisher Price toys and also many fond memories of watching Thundercats. Of course I rarely combined either of these loves as a kid. Not that I have anything against combing these two brands, but let’s just say I wasn’t still fishing with price by the time I was watching Thundercats. Anyway, these came out very nice and look cute and awesome simultaneously. I included a picture of Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, and Cheetara below, but I would definitely check out the site to see Wily-Kit, Wily-Kat, Snarf, and Mummra too.
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